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  • 当日発送
  • 送料無料

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販売価格 :


獲得ポイント :

【再入荷!】 遊戯王 三幻魔 ウリア ハモン ラビエル レリーフ 韓国語 3枚 英語 英語版 遊戯王OCG デュエルモンスターズ
販売価格:¥7980 税込


※ 商品のお届けについてはこちらよりご確認ください。

SHOPPING が販売、発送いたします。

当日発送可 (14:00までのご注文が対象)

  • ご注文内容・出荷状況によっては当日発送できない場合もございます。


  • ポストにお届け / 一点のみ購入でご利用可能です。


神炎皇ウリア 降雷皇ハモン幻魔皇ラビエルの韓国レリーフセットです。3枚とも美品クラスですが、海外での生産の為、製品の性質上、プレイ用でお願い致します。海外版の初期傷にご理解がない方はご購入ご遠慮ください。即購入可能まとめ買いで割引できます。↓ハッシュタグを検索すれば多言語のみヒットします#まとめ買い多言語一覧
カテゴリー:ゲーム・おもちゃ・グッズ>>>トレーディングカード>>>遊戯王OCG デュエルモンスターズ


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"The first time I buy from this store. Each and every card came in a protective foil. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • あいちゃん9475
  • 26歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


"The first time I buy from this store. Each and every card came in a protective foil. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • naoaki0927
  • 34歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


"The first time I buy from this store. Each and every card came in a protective foil. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • yunonji
  • 22歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


"The first time I buy from this store. A good bunch of cards came inside a protective foil to prevent scratches. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • はなちゃん2007
  • 30歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


丁寧な梱包で迅速に発送していただきました。 ありがとうございました。

  • ままかり69
  • 38歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件



  • s2ayaka38
  • 26歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件



  • 晴れ3201
  • 34歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件



  • 北国くまさん
  • 42歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件



  • chia6132
  • 30歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


程よい内容でした 友達と一緒に見ながら語りました 後、追加で可能ならばオリパを70個ほど購入したいです。

  • やまなお4172
  • 38歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


見た目もかっこよく 大きさもちょうどよかった。

  • みやきちくん
  • 46歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件



  • ほし子0508
  • 34歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


今回2回目の購入しました。 スーパーセールでポイント率上げたいので!

  • 健康1025
  • 42歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


お店にないのでありがたいです! 初めて見ましたがでかいですね!!

  • みかづき3356
  • 50歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


"The first time I buy from this store. Each and every card came in a protective foil. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • sakura4182
  • 38歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


"The first time I buy from this store. Each and every card came in a protective foil. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • masa11105
  • 46歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件